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Hot Water Rebates for the Sanden Eco® Plus Hot Water Heat Pump System

Small-scale Technology Certificates (formerly known as Renewable Energy Certificates)

The purchase and installation of a Sanden “Eco” Hot Water Heat Pump System may entitle you to Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) if your system is eligible under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. STCs are sold and transferred to liable entities (usually electricity retailers) through a market based online system called the REC Registry, or via the ORER managed STC Clearing House.

A Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC) is the equivalent of one megawatt hour of renewable energy generation. The Sanden “Eco” Hot Water Heat Pump System attracts a large number of STCs, which can be traded for a cash rebate. Eligible households can claim both Federal and State rebates.

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